Supporting the Dreams and Vision campaign (from left): Patricia Townshend, Bette Ferguson, Mary Ann McDowell, Catherinanne George, the Most Rev’d Linda Nicholls , Gordon Rolleston, Doreen Kyomugisha
By Very Rev. Kevin George
At the February 23 vestry, St. Paul’s Cathedral kicked off the DREAMS & VISIONS campaign – a push to reach the goal of 1,5 million dollars for the revitalization of the cathedral nave.
The idea behind the revitalization project is to make the nave more welcoming, accessible and sustainable for worship and gatherings that would include the needs of the London downtown wider community.
At the 10 am service on February 23, a series of inspiring testimonies about the importance of the cathedral could be heard. Two honorary co-chairs were introduced – the Most Rev. Percy O’Driscoll and Mrs. Patricia Townshend – as well as our City champion, the Honourable Ed Holder, along the members of our hard-working Dreams & Vision Cabinet. The Cabinet announced that we already received gifts and pledges in the amount of $880,000!
Meantime the work in the cathedral is rapidly moving forward. The structural work on the floor has been completed and now it is time to engage in mechanical and electrical work. We are excited to be adding air-conditioning to the cathedral. Those long, hot Synod services are soon behind us.
The 8000 sq foot space will have a new beautiful Canadian made hardwood floor. Once complete, our cathedral will also include a 27-foot labyrinth, made from locally sourced hardwood - a place for meditation, reflection, and prayer. The main floor will be completed by Karl Moore of Moore Flooring - a family owned and operated business in London, Ontario. The labyrinth design is the work of Jason Vivash of J.L.Vivash Flooring, an award-winning family business based in Paris, Ontario. It will incorporate natural woods that are grown and hand-milled in Southwestern Ontario.
Ramp construction is also well under way. It will be installed inside the east entrance to the nave, allowing full accessibility between levels for all.
While the campaign will continue for five years, the most active part takes place this spring. We have reached out first to our own Cathedral family with a campaign letter and a pledge form. The diocesan family is also invited to participate. You can stay up-to-date and learn more about how you can participate and give by visiting the campaign webpage at:
The page includes lots of information plus the latest construction videos.
Very Rev. Dr. Kevin George is the Rector of St. Paul's Cathedral and Dean of Huron.