By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon
IT'S LENT. At its core, this season serves as an annual invitation to draw closer to God.
In anticipation and perhaps even with some trepidation, our aim is to journey with Jesus out into the wilderness, that is, out into a place, or a way of being, that allows for fewer distractions, perhaps even to a place to which we have never venture before.
This invitation asks us to give ourselves the moments needed to prayerfully examine those places in our lives that keep us from following more closely this God whose voice we have heard, and whom above all else we wish to serve.
In Lent we remember that great love with which we are loved, that love that gives us life, that love that will go to Golgotha, and most importantly that love we will celebrate on Easter morning. Lent invites us in through the shadows, into the promise of light, into the ongoing and ever-evolving promise of life in Christ. Don’t be fooled though for Lent, while many things, is also a season of great hope and expectation.
While everyone’s journey is unique, some of our journeys are undertaken in the company of other like-minded, and sometimes, not so like-minded company. As reflecting on our faith in the light of our everyday experiences and challenges, is so central to the Education for Ministry way, Lent strengthens our resolve to commit to making space for learning, for seeking, for wondering, for exploring, We enter this season led by God’s Holy Spirit, empowered by the presence of God in our lives, and the possibility of more than we can ask or imagine.
Interested in more information about Education for Ministry? In the months ahead, we will be hosting both online and in-person Open Houses.
Our online Open Houses will be on Tuesday, May 13 and Wednesday, August 27 with an in-person Open House on Wednesday, June 4, all at 7pm.
Please reach out to Libi Clifford the Diocese of Huron EfM Coordinator or me, Val Kenyon at to learn more or to schedule an alternate date for a presentation or for further information.
Rev. Canon Dr. Val Kenyon is EFM Animator in Huron.